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How to Look After Your Hair After a Hair Transplant by Zestige

Embarking on the journey to restore one’s hair is a brave decision, and with renowned establishments like Harley Street hair clinic, the results are sure to be impressive. Hair transplant in London has metamorphosed countless lives, offering both aesthetic appeal and a hefty dose of self-confidence. However, it’s not just about getting the procedure done; post-transplant care plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal results and longevity of the transplanted hair. So, how does one care for their freshly transplanted hair? Let’s delve into some professional advice from the experts at Zestige, the premier Harley Street hair transplant clinic.

1. Initial 24 hours: Handle with Extra Care

The immediate hours following a hair transplant are, without a doubt, the most crucial. The scalp is tender, and the newly grafted follicles are in their most vulnerable state.

2. Washing Your Hair: Gentle is the Keyword

Washing post a hair transplant is not business as usual. A gentle approach ensures grafts are not disturbed while keeping the scalp clean.

3. Dodge Sun & Sweat

The newly transplanted region of the scalp can be particularly susceptible to damage from UV rays and excessive sweating in the first few weeks.

4. Minimise Scab Formation

Scab formation is a natural phase in the body’s recovery process. However, excessive scabbing can potentially harm the grafts and affect the overall result.

5. Abstain from Alcohol and Smoking

These substances can hamper the healing process and affect the graft’s ability to take root.

6. Medications and Topicals

The use of medications and topical applications needs extra attention post-transplant.

7. Style with Caution

While it’s natural to want to style your newly growing hair, patience and care are crucial during the initial stages.


The journey of hair transplant London is not just the few hours you spend in the surgery room. It’s the commitment to post-surgery care that ensures the success of the transplant. The Harley Street Hair Clinic, Zestige, boasts of vast experience and expertise in this domain. The post-transplant process is based on years of observation of what ensures the longevity and natural appearance of the transplanted hair.

Wondering hair transplant cost or have more questions on post-care? Schedule a consultation with Zestige, the trusted name for countless individuals, and get all your concerns addressed by the best in the business. Remember, your journey with your hair doesn’t end with the procedure; it’s only the beginning!

Author Name:

Brindon Bagirathan

As the owner of Zestige, Brindon Bagirathan is an influential personality in the field of hair transplantation. A regular contributor to industry conversations, Brindon frequently articulates his expert insights and thought leadership through blogs. These writings allow him to reach a wider audience, providing them with fresh and informed perspectives on the latest trends and advances in the field of hair transplantation.

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