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The Relationship between Mental Health and Obesity

Mental Health and Obesity

The relationship between the two is complicated and can be hard to untangle. If you’re facing any of the issues, visit medambien today to start your journey towards a better future with their prescribed medications.

Mental illness can make it hard for people to lose weight because they feel like they have no control over their eating habits or their weight gain. They may struggle with depression or anxiety that makes them think they cannot control their eating or how much they weigh.

People who struggle with obesity often struggle with other mental illnesses too. That’s why it’s important for doctors who treat these patients to consider both physical and mental health issues when treating them for obesity 

Here are some ways mental health and obesity are correlated.

Obesity- A Risk Factor

When it comes to gaining excess weight due to a plethora of reasons, obesity is a risk factor for mental health problems. It can lead to or worsen depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.

People who are obese are less likely to be able to access the support they need for their mental health problems. They may not know where to turn for help or feel embarrassed about their weight and worried that disclosing their condition would affect their employment or social life.

Eating disorders and Mental Health

Many people with serious mental health problems also struggle with obesity. People who have eating disorders or are bulimic may eat obsessively and exercise compulsively in an attempt to control their weight. Those with severe depression may overeat or misuse drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with the illness. This can trigger their eating disorders along with their mental health conditions and make matters even worse.

Food- A comfort zone

Some people who experience depression may turn to food for comfort or as a way of coping with negative emotions such as anger or frustration. The person might experience feelings of guilt when they overeat because they know how bad these feelings will make them feel later on; this is why it’s essential not to use food as a way of dealing with negative emotions (it’s better to talk them through)

Depression and Overeating

Depression can cause overeating because when someone feels bad about themselves, they may turn to food as an outlet for their feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness. This can result in a vicious cycle where being overweight leads to depression which causes further weight gain, 

Depression can make you feel like you’re worthless or inadequate at everything. This can lead to feeling bad about yourself, which leads to eating more because you think that no one will want anything from you if they know how fat you’ve become; this leads to more weight gain, which makes things worse because now we’ve got a vicious cycle going on here!

What are the Institutions saying?

With the current rise in mental health problems and obesity, studies and research are being conducted worldwide. Institutions are solely focusing on both issues as the need for a solution is also rising. Here are some stats reputable institutions around the world have issued.

1. Obesity raises your risk of developing a mood disorder by as much as 30 percent, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

2. People with mood disorders often struggle with overeating, which can lead to unhealthy food choices and even abnormal eating behaviours like binging or purging, according to the NIMH.

3. Obesity increases your risk of developing an eating disorder by 4-6 times that of people without one, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

4. People with an eating disorder tend to have higher BMIs— even if they’re underweight or lean toward being overweight on paper instead of in person, according to a report from the NAMI website published in 2014.

Do Genetics matter?

Some people may inherit genes predisposing them to develop certain types of mental illness. For example, if your parents both had bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disease), you have a greater chance than someone without this history of bipolar disorder. This means that genetics play a role in determining whether you will develop bipolar disorder yourself or pass on the gene for it to your children.

Studies have shown that one’s risk for obesity can be determined by their genetics, anxiety and other mental health issues. People who have more than 1 billion copies of a gene called “FTO” (fat mass and obesity-associated) are approximately eight times more likely to be obese than those without the FTO gene.

While a genetic predisposition to being overweight may mean you will eventually encounter some difficulty losing weight (but not necessarily), getting into shape depends on whether your lifestyle is conducive to healthy living.

Prevention and Remedies:

The link between mental health and obesity is not only a concern for those with poor mental health. It is also an issue for those who have simply gained excess weight. But with the following steps, you can get one step closer to a healthier life overall.

1. Get support from your friends and family

There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it. However, if you’re not getting the support you need from your friends or family, consider reaching out to a professional counsellor or therapist who can help you find ways to cope with stress and anxiety that may be contributing to your weight gain.

2. Eat healthier foods

Eating healthy is always a good idea, but especially during times when you’re feeling stressed out or upset about something else going on in your life — like losing weight or working through an eating disorder — making healthy choices will go a long way toward improving your overall health and well-being.

3. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly can help you feel better about yourself and keep your weight in check. A good way to start exercising regularly is by doing light workouts at home at least five times a week. You can also go on walks outside in the fresh air or walk around the block if you have time between appointments or chores around your house.

4. Hire a specialist 

With the modern age progressing rapidly, people have been leaning more towards contacting a specialist regarding their day-to-day problems. Whether it may be related to mental health or obesity, there are tons of certified specialists out there that can get you the help you need through medically prescribed or organic means.

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