Parenthood is a wonderful and exciting time that is rewarding and full of love.
Soon to be parents can start imagining their cute little bundle of joy in their arms, and plans start to form of how the nursery will look and what baby equipment is needed.
However, it can also be a little nerve-wracking, especially if you are expecting for the first time. There are many ups and downs on the journey of parenthood, and it can be stressful at times, with parents trying to figure out what to do and how to be fully ready for this responsibility.
Use this guide on how to prepare for parenthood to be fully ready for the arrival of your baby and to gain some calmness over what to expect. If you get preparation plans in place before the arrival, or even before you conceive, you can feel better prepared and take on whatever comes your way.
Understand your feelings
Before you start preparing for the arrival of your baby, it’s best to understand your feelings. It is perfectly normal to have a huge mixture of emotions about being a parent, so if you find yourself flicking between excitement and nervousness, that’s okay. You’re allowed to feel this way as children are a huge commitment.

The best thing to do is to accept these feelings and don’t be hard on yourself for feeling them. Avoid putting yourself down about the negative emotions and process them instead. Sit in your feelings and journal them to help you alleviate your emotions and work through them.
Build your support network
Building a strong support network is vital before your baby arrives. This is because you will need all the support you can get with helping through difficult times and allowing you to take a break when needed. Plus, just having handy advice can be a huge relief. Connect with other expecting or new parents through local community groups to be able to have people in a similar situation as you, so you feel less alone.
Discuss your requirements with family and friends who can offer assistance when needed. At some point, you will need a break or need someone to babysit for you so it’s best to establish who can be there for you and help them understand what you need. Having this varied network of people can be very beneficial when the baby is here.
Be financially prepared
Achieving financial stability and creating healthy financial habits is critical to prepare for parenthood. It is best to sit down with your partner and discuss finances, thinking about your short-term and long-term needs. You should both consider your pay grades to see how each can contribute to saving for the baby, making the process fair for you both.
Budgeting for a family is a good financial habit to get into, helping you at each stage of your parenting journey. Make sure you think about the major expenses, such as childcare, daily living costs and education. You also need to factor in a budget for items the baby will need to be fully prepared for their arrival. Find ways you can save money, such as getting second-hand clothes and toys, as these are items your baby will quickly outgrow.
Learn basic baby care skills
If you feel as prepared as possible before your baby arrives, it can help you feel more confident. A great way to gain some confidence is to get to grips with basic baby care skills that you can practice or research. Take a look at things like feeding techniques to see which one you would prefer to do and what is needed for each
technique. You could also research ways to soothe your baby and other areas you may feel nervous about to help you feel better.
Join a class with other expecting parents and learn about caring for your baby as well as getting ready for their birth. These classes are very hands-on and are a great way to build your support network with others in the same position as you.
Get your home ready
Before your baby arrives, you can start getting your home prepared. This doesn’t just mean getting the nursery ready, but it’s about creating a safe environment throughout your home. Put childproof measures throughout the home by securing furniture and covering electrical outlets.
You can get a baby gate ready for the stairs for when they’re crawling and walking and create a cosy and comfortable nursery. Have a soft cot, an efficient changing table and warm lighting to help soothe your baby.
Fully expect stress
Being a parent is a huge life change, and with any life change, there’s uncertainty and stress. No matter how prepared you are, you can feel a lot of stress with any life change. It’s best to accept and expect stress when being a parent, so don’t be hard on yourself and adapt to new situations as best as possible.
Let others help
When others want to help you, accept it with open arms. No matter how much you want to do by yourself, it’s important to remember you can’t do it all. You need rest just as much as the baby and, sometimes, letting family and friends help when you really need it is the best thing to do. It could be for something as simple as having a short time away to have a nap, shower or for you to do some errands. Having a small break in your daily routine can go a long way.
Be kind to yourself
Parenting guilt is real, and it can get to you a lot. It is best to know that no matter how prepared you feel, there are always mistakes to be made, which is perfectly fine. It’s the whole learning curve of the parenting journey as there’s no manual on how to correctly be a parent. You find your own path and your own way that you’re
happy with. Along the journey, you will continue to learn and grow, so be kind to yourself when you make mistakes and don’t let the guilt beat you up.
Use these tips on how to prepare for parenthood to be fully ready for your baby. Use this as a guide while learning and growing into your journey however you want. These tips can help reduce anxieties and stress so you can feel more confident in yourself.