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Honey in winter tips: How to avoid crystallisation

storing honey in winter

With extremely cold temperatures expected across the UK, if your honey is kept in a cool place it will begin to crystalise. But, this doesn’t mean you need to throw it away! With over 25K people a month struggling and looking for advice, Rowse’s Honey Expert is here to help your honey last longer and share her trick to reduce food waste.

These are huge search volumes for this advice (25K+ a month) , and Mhairi Gibb (Honey Expert) is available to help readers keep theirs fresh in the lead-up to Christmas. 

How to keep honey lasting longer/avoid crystallisation

“Clear honey is a pure and natural product, which means crystallisation naturally occurs during its shelf life. Most people prefer the smooth, crystal-free texture of liquid honey, so here are a few tips from Mhairi Gibb – Honey Expert at Rowse Honey, to slow the process down:

1.      Store Honey Properly: Keep honey in an ambient (18-24C) dry place to slow crystallisation. You should also make sure the bottle or jar is tightly sealed. 

2.      Temperature Control: When honey has crystallised, warming the honey is a helpful trick to liquefy it and return it to its original consistency. I recommend gently warming it by placing it in warm water rather than using direct heat. Repeated high heat, like the microwave, can affect the natural taste of your honey.

3.      Avoid introducing water: Moisture can also be a pesky factor thatspeeds up crystallisation. Make sure to use clean and dry utensils when dipping into your honey jar. 

4.      Stir It Up: If you notice your honey is beginning to crystallise, gently stir it to break up the crystals. This won’t prevent crystallisation, but it can slightly delay the process. 

Finally, remember that crystallised honey is still just as flavourful and safe to eat. Try using it as a spread or in recipes!” 

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