Showing: 121 - 130 of 814 RESULTS
Home & Garden Style

Home Interiors; Settle The Decor Disputes In Your Household…

With searches for “interior design trends 2024” up by 124%, many of us will be looking to inject a new lease of life into our homes this summer. Whether you are debating between different trends or perhaps struggling to agree on interior styles with your partner or housemates, design choices can be divisive. That is …

Peripheral Vascular Disease
Health & Beauty

Lifestyle Changes that can Combat Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) 

The British Heart Foundation reports that peripheral vascular disease (PVD) affects around 20% of people over 60 in the UK. PVD affects blood vessels outside the heart and brain, often leading to reduced blood flow to your limbs caused by narrowing, blocking or spasms in the blood vessels.

senior well-being

Understanding the Impact of Social Interaction on Senior Well-being 

The importance of staying socially active cannot be overstated, as it has profound effects on the mental, emotional, and even physical well-being of older adults. This blog explores the impact of social interaction on senior well-being and the ways to promote a socially active lifestyle among the elderly.