Showing: 411 - 420 of 746 RESULTS
male contraception
Health & Beauty

The benefits of male contraception: Why you should consider it

Male contraception is often overlooked and misunderstood, but it can offer many benefits. Male contraception is not widely used due to a lack of knowledge and information on the subject. Male contraception methods include vasectomy, condoms, spermicides, and hormonal contraceptives. In this article, we will explore the benefits of male contraception and why it is …

Health & Beauty

Boosting Confidence and Enhancing Your Smile with Professional Cosmetic Dentistry

When you meet people, one of the first things they notice is your smile. As you may already know, smiles tell a lot about your personality and is often a determinant of whether people want to be around you or not. Think about it. Nobody wants to be around a person who doesn’t smile.

scalp health
Health & Beauty

Ditch the Dry Shampoo – Detoxifying and Rebalancing Haircare from Grow Gorgeous

Formulated with starch and alcohol, dry shampoo works by absorbing oil and reducing the appearance of greasy locks. While results may be impressive short term, long term use can damage hair, resulting in breakage as strands become dry and brittle1. Meanwhile, a build-up of oil and product on the scalp can lead to irritation.