Showing: 541 - 550 of 746 RESULTS
Health & Beauty

“Damp January?” Why it doesn’t make sense

The benefits of giving up alcohol for a month are huge, says Priory expert as he urges people to abstain for a month rather than just moderate their drinking Damp January risks making people “massively complacent” about their drinking habits at a time when deaths from alcohol are at all-time high, a Priory expert warns. …

Stop Bloating
Health & Beauty

Festive Food Coma: Nutritionist Shares Tips To Stop Bloating This Christmas

Whether following old traditions or new, for most of us Christmas dinner is a focal point that allows us to take a moment to pause and enjoy some quality time with our loved ones. Those extra roast potatoes, pigs in blankets and Christmas pudding may seem like a great idea until the festive food coma …

skincare for working out
Health & Beauty


With the new year brings a fresh start, and a chance to renew our routines and goals. Whether your January intention is to start hitting the gym, or to pick up a Pilates class, your skin will react in the same way when you’re moving your muscles. A pinky-reddish hue, make-up smudges (if you’re wearing …

male confidence
Health & Beauty

Simple Ways That Men Can Feel More Confident In Their Appearance

It can be so tough when you feel like you have lost confidence in how you look. Everyone has the occasional day when they don’t like what their hair is doing, or when they feel like they don’t look as skinny as they would like to. But there are some issues that feel more like …