Showing: 361 - 370 of 400 RESULTS
Home & Garden

Gardening expert reveals why you should NEVER burn your dead leaves🔥

Graham Barrett, the gardening expert at said, “When you burn fallen leaves, you are releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That may not seem like a big deal, but when you consider that 65 percent of the world’s forests have been cleared for agriculture, industry and other human uses, it becomes much more significant.

Home & Garden

6 Ways To Add More Storage Space To Your Family Home

It can be incredibly frustrating for a homeowner when you run out of space to store your belongings. Attempting to create more storage space in your home doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem at first. Although storing large, unused items like furniture can put entire rooms out of use, the accumulation …

Make The Most of Natural Light
Home & Garden

5 Ways to Make The Most of Natural Light

Depending on the layout of your room, the amount of light flooding in can be compromised by large furniture and bad placement. Try rearranging your furniture to optimise how much light can access the room. For instance, try to move any furniture that’s blocking windows or glass doors, as this will be altering the natural brightness of your space. 

Leaking Pipe
Home & Garden

Strategies For Minimising Damage From A Leaking Pipe

Responsible homeowners keep a close eye on their property. They can even enjoy taking care of everything and ensuring everything is running as it should. However, things can be decidedly less fun when a leaking pipe immerges. As if the higher water bill expenses aren’t enough to contend with, these leaks can cause devastating damage …