
Green alternatives to coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world,  with 9.7 million global Google searches a year on average, according to search analytics tool Ahrefs.

However with its different properties, coffee can be used for many things besides drinking!

Alex Ion, spokesperson for shares the best uses for coffee. 

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Top 10 Uses For Coffee:

1. Green alternatives to coffeeFlavour your food 

Ground coffee beans can be added to any dry rub for flavouring food. Just add a couple of tablespoons to your dry rub for a smokier flavour for meats, such as chicken, pork, and lamb. 

2. Green alternatives to coffeeAdd to baking

Coffee makes a great addition to cakes and other sweet treats. It is a particularly good accompaniment to chocolate and of course we can’t forget the popular coffee and walnut cake. 

3. Green alternatives to coffeeUnclog your drains

This is a cheaper alternative to expensive drain cleaners and has the same results! Pour half a cup, along with dishwasher salt, into your drains. Then pour a full kettle of boiling water down the drain. It’s as simple as that and no chemicals are needed. 

4. Green alternatives to coffee – Clean your hands

You can use wet coffee grounds to effectively remove odor by rubbing them on your fingers, then rinsing. It can be used after cutting vegetables, garlic or anything that leaves a strong odor. 

5. Green alternatives to coffeeRepel insects

Coffee’s properties make it a great natural insect repellent. All you need to do is sprinkle some into the cracks in walls or anywhere you don’t want insects. You can even rub it on yourself to protect you from insect bites.

6. Green alternatives to coffeeExfoliate your skin

Coffee grounds work well as a face scrub because their texture helps exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. Gently massage ground coffee into your skin and rinse. This technique can be used on your face and body.

7. Green alternatives to coffeeEnrich your compost bin 

Coffee is rich in nitrogen which is a great addition to your compost bin. For an extra potent mix, add one part coffee, one part leaves and one part freshly mown grass. Mix together then add to the pile.

8. Green alternatives to coffeeProtect your dog from fleas

A good alternative to a chemical flea repellant. Rub coffee grounds into your dog’s fur after giving them a bath then rinse. It will also make your dog smell nice, if you like the smell of coffee!

9. Green alternatives to coffeeGive your flowers a special glow

Coffee grounds will reduce the pH level of the soil around your plants, which can bring out their colour. Just be sure that your plants aren’t in need of more acidity. Blueberry bushes would hate coffee grounds.

10. Green alternatives to coffeeCleanse your palette for perfumes

Sniffing coffee beans between smelling scents will make it possible to smell each perfume like it’s the first one. This way you won’t experience scent overload. 

Alex Ion gives an insight into the benefits of using coffee as an alternative: ‘As you can see from the listed uses, coffee can be used in many different ways. The reason these options are preferable is because using coffee avoids the harsh chemicals that many detergents, soaps, and insect repellents contain. By looking to more natural alternatives like coffee we are supporting a more environmentally friendly future.’

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