
International Picnic Day


June 18th marks International Picnic Day, and this date couldn’t come at a better time. The sun is finally shinning, making it the perfect excuse to spend time outdoors surrounded by friends and family.

But before you pack that picnic basket, being mindful of what you eat is just as important as applying your suncream right. In fact, market leaders of nutritionally complete food, yfood, found that over 40% of Brits only eat junk food when they are out and about.

Revealing the need as a nation to continue to prioritise our nutrition whilst being away from home, the food-tech innovators supply your body with 26 of your key essential nutrients in one drink, providing a practical meal alternative to those on the go. Below are just some of the simple and easy food swaps that can make your picnic that little bit healthier, but just as tasty.

1. Swap white pasta for whole wheat

Packing a salad with pasta is always a good way of making it more substantial. But why not swap the white pasta to wholegrain? It’s higher in fibre, and contains more vitamin E, B vitamins and antioxidants than white. Another smart option is courgetti or boodles to boost your vegetable intake.

2. Swap dips for hummus

Made from chickpeas, hummus has lots of benefits that healthy eaters are crazy about, which include a mega dose of key vitamins and minerals with a hearty amount of protein. If you’re not a hummus lover, go for a homemade guacamole. Avocado is a total super food with healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins A and C and fiber.

3. Swap crisps for veggie sticks

You’ll definitely want something to dip into your hummus or heart-healthy guacamole, so pack your picnic basket with veggie sticks. Carrots, celery and bell pepper strips are all tasty options that will pair well with real cheeses, meats and whole grain crackers.

4. Swap soft drinks for fruit-Infused water 

Staying hydrated is essential when you’re spending a day in the sun, so make sure you bring plenty of water with you. While sugary drinks may taste refreshing at first, they actually can be dehydrating. Sip smartly to avoid headaches and to make sure you get the right amount of fluid on a warm day. Lemon or other fruit-infused water is a great alternative, also serving as an energy booster when being hit by heatwave fatigue.

5. Swap bread for whole grain crackers

Who doesn’t love to enjoy a freshly baked baguette during a picnic in the park? Unfortunately, our adored picnic carb doesn’t have as much fiber as equally enjoyable options. Make a simple swap and grab a box of whole grain crackers to add in the nutritional benefit of quinoa, pumpkin seeds, flax or whatever you choose, for a healthier fix.

Noel Bollman, CEO/co-founder of yfood, discusses how their smart food solution can help those who are strapped for time:

“Healthy eating can be difficult, especially when on the go, because of lack of accessibility to good quality food. We actually did some research recently that found that over 40% of Brits only eat junk food when they are out and about which is unsurprising given the raft of options we have access to now.”

“For those who are really strapped for time, Smart Food and complete food products and protein shakes are a great option to carry around. These nutritionally complete drinks, bars and powders have a full nutrient profile whilst being filling, flavoursome, and are readily available so no meal prep is required! Products such as yfood drinks don’t even need to be refrigerated, which means you can have them with you quite literally wherever you go.” 

What is ‘Smart Food’ and how can it help?
yfood occupies a yet unheard of nutritional category named ‘Smart Food’, a concept, still very much in its infancy which aims to raise awareness for balanced nutrition that is appropriate to all life situations. Utilising future-facing scientific innovation, yfood is decisively driving the advancement of Smart Food with the expansion of scientific methods and incorporates the use of new technologies. 


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