As spring approaches, the days are getting brighter for longer and the temperatures are gradually getting warmer.
According to scientists, the increased levels of daylight trigger hormonal changes and ease the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone), which means people have more energy and sleep less.
However, while there are several good elements of spring, increased energy can also result in burnout, the hotter weather can take a while to adapt to, plus March spells the start of allergy season.
To help make things a little easier, Steve Brownett-Gale of Lifestyle Packaging shares the best supplements to add to your shopping list now.
Spring can be an uncomfortable time for hay fever sufferers in the UK, as the pollen count starts increasing in March.
Symptoms can include sneezing or coughing, a blocked nose, itchy eyes, headaches and feeling tired, amongst other things.
But studies say that zinc supplementation can relieve the allergic state. That’s because zinc will help boost your immune system, respiratory function and sinus health.
Take them at least one hour before or two hours after meals or alongside food if you find they cause stomach issues.
The recommended amount of zinc for adult males is 9.5mg and 7mg for females. Most supplements contain elemental zinc, which has a 50% absorption rate.
Vitamin C

While it’s always beneficial to take vitamin C supplements throughout the year, it’s particularly handy in spring for several reasons.
Firstly, it is a natural antioxidant which helps maintain skin health and prevent cell damage caused by increased levels of UV light.
Similarly, it can help manage you manage increasing temperatures.
Plus, Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine and improves your immune response, helping reduce hay fever symptoms.
The recommended amount for adults aged 19 to 64 is 40mg a day. Supplements contain vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid and are best absorbed on an empty stomach 30-45 minutes before breakfast.
Beta Glucan
Supercharge your immune system with these supplements that contain soluble fibres from the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, yeasts and plants.
Studies show that supplemental beta glucan can help to improve allergy symptoms and stimulate immune function.
In the US, the recommended dose for adults is between two and six grams by mouth daily. However, most UK retailers sell it in supplements that contain 250mg of Beta Glucan alongside a blend of nutrients, such as vitamins D, C and Zinc, for immune support.
One thing to be cautious of is that too much can result in increased gas, bloating and stomach discomfort.
Omega 3

Add an Omega-3 supplement to your diet, such as fish oil, fish liver oil, krill oil, algal oil or flaxseed oil, to maintain naturally rising energy levels as the seasons change.
Known as ‘the building blocks’ for cell membranes, Omega-3’s boost blood flow and promote heart health and a stronger immune system.
Not only that, but Omega-3 consumption plays a vital role in sharpening memory, improving mood and protecting your brain against cognitive decline.
If you choose to consume supplements to get your daily intake, it’s recommended you should choose one with the same daily amount provided by eating one to two portions of fish per week – 450mg per daily adult dose.

From the turmeric plant, the yellow-orange spice is often found in Asian dishes and can reduce the swelling and irritation of allergic rhinitis (hayfever), thanks to its primary constituent – curcumin.
Studies have found that curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties, which can help to maintain resistance to allergies and dampen the hypersensitive immune response to pollen and other allergens.
Plus, turmeric is rich in vitamins A, B, and K and high in iron and zinc, which makes it a great all-rounder to add to your spring supplements.
The recommended dose of curcuminoids (including curcumin) is 0-3mg per kg of bodyweight per day to be effective. Turmeric extracts are the best form as they are highly concentrated, containing up to 95 percent curcumin.
For best results, consider combining with black pepper to increase curcumin absorption.
… And Remember!
- Do your research to ensure you buy from reputable sources and trusted brands.
- Always check the label before purchasing supplements to look out for artificial ingredients or additives.
- Consult with your doctor if you are taking these alongside other medications.