While many people look forward to the cosy and festive winter months, the colder weather can also bring with it some common illnesses.
And Benenden Health has spotted that Brits are turning to natural solutions to treat their ailments.
On TikTok, #naturalremedies boasts a staggering 14 million views in the UK over the past 30 days and searches for ‘home remedies’ are averaging a total of 41k global searches each month.
Llinos Connolly at Benenden Health explains:
“The right home remedies can sometimes be used to ease the symptoms or treat a condition that is self-recovering and does not normally require medical care, such as colds, inflammations or aches.”
However, some ailments can’t be treated at home and do require professional help. And with so many suggested health remedies and old wives’ tales out there, it can be hard to know which ones are effective.
That’s why Benenden Health has created the Home Remedy Quiz where users can put their knowledge to the test, and even learn some new tips for soothing symptoms.
To help those who want to find out more about how to ease three of the most common winter ailments, Llinos Connolly at Benenden Health has shared the most effective home remedies.
Essential oils for chest infections
In the winter, the humidity in the air is lower. This means any viruses are airborne for longer, and as we spend more time indoors when it’s cold, the likelihood of breathing in a virus is greater.
With that, chest infections are more common and one of the main symptoms is a troublesome chesty cough. So, it’s no surprise that searches for ‘home remedies for chesty chough’ have spiked by 108% in the last three months.
To help ease the pain and soothe the throat, try inhaling diluted essential oils. Choose from either eucalyptus or peppermint oil, add a few drops to hot water and inhale deeply and slowly.
Ensure you use pure essential oils and not fragrant oils as these do not contain the beneficial compounds and will not help you.
However, if you think you have a chest infection you should consult with a chemist or call 111.
Gargling salt water for a sore throat
If you find yourself battling a sore throat this winter, you’re not the only one – searches for ‘home remedies for a sore throat’ are up by 91% in the last three months.
And there is a very old but effective home remedy you can try – gargling salt water. Salt helps to draw water out of oral tissues and creates a salt barrier which prevents any further viruses and bacteria from entering the tissues.
Simply dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle, you could also add honey or lemon to improve the taste. Then repeat this whenever you feel necessary. Remember not to swallow. It’s advised that children shouldn’t try this method.

Oatmeal baths to relieve dry skin
The colder weather removes moisture from your skin which can leave your skin feeling dry and tight and sometimes irritated.
Searches for ‘natural cures for dry skin’ have increased by 27% in the last three months, and there are many natural ways to tackle dry skin.
One old tried and tested remedy uses an ingredient you may already have in your cupboards – Oatmeal. As a fine powder form, oatmeal (colloidal oatmeal), has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe irritation.
Use a food processor to grind the oatmeal into a fine powder and stir this into your warm bath. However, make sure your bath is not too hot as this can trigger dry skin and irritation. Finally, to lock in your skin barrier, remember to moisturise after.
If you are pregnant, breast feeding or taking prescription medication this may counteract the desired effects of a home remedy. If in doubt, it’s best to consult with your primary care practitioner.
There you have it, some natural and affordable remedies to try at home. To test your knowledge of home remedies, take Benenden Health’s helpful quiz.