
What I Wish I Knew Before getting laser hair removal?

laser hair removal

Shaving is absolutely fine. 

You can shave throughout your Laser Hair Removal journey, but the most important is to shave the night thoroughly before your session; this guarantees the hairs are at the optimum length for treatment. It’s crucial not to wax or epilate, though, as we require the hair and root to still be present at the session.  For those that suffer from shaving rashes, you will see an improvement with this after just a couple of sessions. The hair thickness changes rapidly after the laser. It helps to stop ingrown hairs, skin rashes, and irritation in the future.  

Top-ups aren’t eternal.  

It’s very personal and area dependent, but you shouldn’t need laser forever, that’s a myth. Legs, underarms and bikini areas have fewer hair follicles and thicker hair, making those areas respond better to laser as more energy is absorbed, killing the roots. Most clients discover lower legs only need two top-up sessions after their initial eight courses, and they’re finished!  If you have finer hair or treating your upper body, you may need more sessions initially and then top-ups every couple of years to catch new hairs.  Those with PCOS will need more sessions, particularly on the face. 

Patience is required.

The hair can take two weeks, frankly, to fall out after treatment. Although the hair will be destroyed at each session, the body will need time to shed that dead hair. Most clients don’t shave after the session because they like seeing their hair disappear like magic! So, don’t fret if you don’t see the hair fall out; call the clinic after two weeks and speak to one of our consultants. Some body areas have longer growth cycles and take three weeks. 

You can still enjoy sunny holidays.  

In our clinic, we understand that only some people are anti-sun exposure like we are! We all need holidays!  When you have your initial consultation, it really helps to mention any sunny vacations you have or will consider booking in the following months. This way, the consultant can determine how many sessions you can do before you go in the sun and the best intervals. This way, we can ensure that if you are having sun exposure, it has an insignificant impact on your treatment progress.   Should you only be treating areas that can effortlessly be covered, it’s not a concern; we can usually continue treatments as expected.  

It’s suitable for all skin types.  

We’ve invested in the latest laser technology to suit all skin types. At Pulse Light Clinic, we only use the gold-standard laser hair devices from Syneron Candela. The Gentle Max Pro laser contains two laser devices, the Alexandrite for fair skin types 1-3 and the Nd: Yag for Asian and darker skin types 4-6. Both lasers are very effective at removing unwanted hair from almost any area. Your skin and hair will be assessed and tested at your consultation on the appropriate machine. Skin tone can vary across the body, and some clients may find they have both lasers on various areas of the body. 

Results are shown from the first session.  

Once you come for your first laser session, your hair will typically fall out on its own within two weeks. You will then have silky hair-free skin for around 2-3 weeks on the face and 4-6 weeks on the body. After that, thick hair can reduce permanently by 8-10% per session! 

My skin texture and tone will improve.  

Should you suffer from ingrown hair, shaving inflammations and pigmentation, you will notice a difference in the tone and texture quite quickly. The hair becomes finer and easier to shave, and the quantity reduces each time. Your skin will thank you once you shave every two months instead of daily! 

The ESPA Wellness Candle Collection

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