Although you might believe that the state of your teeth can only impact your physical health, this is not the case, and many people find that their mental health gets worse when they are unhappy with their teeth. If this is the case, and you find yourself losing self-esteem and falling into depression, here are some of the top tips you should follow.
· Get Invisalign

Even if there is nothing wrong with your teeth, you might be dissatisfied with the way that they look, especially if they are crooked. However, you might not have had the chance to get braces when you were younger and might be reluctant to do so now. In cases like these, you should consider opting for Invisalign. This treatment will allow your teeth to be corrected in a more subtle manner using clear aligners that you can wear all day and night. This can stop you from feeling self-conscious throughout the process while enabling you to effortlessly straighten your teeth. If you think this treatment could help you, you should look around for an Invisalign dentist in Leicester.
· Improve Your Care
When you are fed up with your teeth and you have started to experience depression and other mental health issues, it can be easy to stop caring for your teeth as well as you used to. This can lead to further problems, such as tooth decay. However, caring for your teeth and making them a part of your routine can allow you to relax in the knowledge that they are healthy, even if they are not aesthetically pleasing. All adults should brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste and an electric toothbrush for two minutes a day, floss, and use interdental brushes and single tufted toothbrushes to get into the small gaps between their teeth.
· Change Your Perspective

If your teeth are healthy and yet you still dislike them, it might be time to try and change your perspective on your teeth. You might currently see them as yellow, cramped, and out of line, and you might hate the appearance of any work that you have had done on them, such as fillings. Instead of seeing them this way, you should use positive affirmations to remind yourself that imperfect teeth are normal, and that the pictures that you see in magazines are edited, and that your favourite celebrity might have had cosmetic work performed on their teeth.
· Talk to a Doctor
Rather than ignoring your mental health problems or putting them all down to your teeth, you should talk to a doctor about the way that you are feeling. This is especially important if you have experienced suicidal ideation. They may be able to prescribe you anti-depressants or other medication that can improve your mental health, or they might be able to refer you to a therapist, with whom you can discuss how you have been feeling and what has been causing your negative emotions and outlook, as well as any lack of interest in personal hygiene and care.