
4 Activities to Enjoy a Chilled Weekend at Home

weekend at home

Every once in a while, we all need a chilled weekend at home to destress, unwind and recharge. If you’re used to being busy and on the go with packed weekends full of plans, then adjusting to a slower pace isn’t always easy so here are a few ideas to help get you in the zone.

Music and Food

After a long week at work, there’s nothing quite like playing some of your favourite albums on your record player while you rustle up a tasty dish in the kitchen. Treat yourself the way you would a good friend or a special date, and make yourself something delicious to eat, kick back and just enjoy the music.


weekend at home

In our busy lives, the idea of sitting still with a book can often seem like a luxury we don’t have time for and as a result, reading is an often overlooked activity. If you’ve got a weekend with nothing to do, one of the best ways to pass the time and forget your troubles is to pick up a book and forget everything.

There are few things as wonderful as being completely immersed in a new world as you turn the pages. Reading is also great for increasing empathy and improving brain power, meaning that you’re actually improving yourself even as you relax and unwind with your page-turner. If it’s been a while and you’re stuck for ideas you could find inspiration for your next read online or pay a visit to your local library.

Take a Bath

weekend at home

If you’re lucky enough to have a bathtub at home, then a long soak can do wonders for your stress levels as well as soothing any aches and pains after a tough week. To really get the most out of your bath, don’t just run some water and slide in.  Dim the lights or light some candles, and put on some relaxing background music. Pour yourself your favourite drink and grab a book or magazine. If you want, you could even pop on a face or hair mask to recreate that spa-like feeling.

Movie Marathon

weekend at home

Another great activity to enjoy during a chilled weekend at home is a movie marathon. Create a cosy nest on your sofa with cushions and blankets and make sure you have your favourite movie snacks to hand, whether that’s popcorn and pick ‘n’ mix or something savoury like nachos or nuts. If you’re having a movie marathon with a partner or you’re inviting friends over to join you, check that everyone is on board with the choice of films to save disagreements later!

You could opt for classic movies you’ve never seen but always meant to see or rewatch all your old favourite films. Trilogies and franchises are also an ideal choice for a movie marathon as you can work your way through them until the snacks run out and everyone’s ready for bed! Think Harry Potter, Star Wars, James Bond, Toy Story or Marvel.

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