As musicians, we know just how delicate and valuable our instruments can be. Whether you need to store them temporarily or for an extended period, it’s crucial to ensure their safety and optimal condition.
Here are the top 5 tips and friendly advice to help you create a secure haven for your instruments. From choosing the perfect storage location to maintenance rituals and humidity control, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and learn how to store your instruments like a pro while maintaining their beauty, sound, and integrity for years to come.
#1. Storage Sanctuary: Picking the Perfect Spot

Choosing the right storage location is like finding a sanctuary for your instrument. Look for a clean, dry, and climate-controlled space. Opt for a climate-controlled unit that maintains a temperature of 20-25°C and humidity between 40-60%. Regularly visit the storage unit to check for any signs of damage and ensure your storage insurance covers the full replacement cost of your stored items by making a comprehensive inventory.
Avoid storing your instrument near windows, doors, or vents that expose it to direct sunlight, drafts, or extreme temperature swings. Humidity is another big no-no, as it can warp your instrument or introduce mold. More on that later!
#2. Instrument Fort Knox: Investing in a Solid Case
Safeguarding your musical instrument starts with investing in a proper instrument case that acts as a fortress against potential hazards. Choose a high-quality case specifically designed for your instrument’s unique specifications. Hard cases provide better protection against UV light, moisture, and insects. Avoid cases with velvet linings, which can cause damage over time. If you already have one, you can place acid-free tissue paper or clean cotton sheets between the instrument and the lining.
Find a case made of durable materials like strong plastics, fiberglass, or sturdy wood. Make sure the case provides enough cushioning to shield your instrument from accidental impacts. By choosing a well-designed case, you’ll create a secure sanctuary that will give you peace of mind.
#3. Spa Treatment: Maintenance and Cleaning

A musical instrument needs regular maintenance for its long-term well-being. Before storing it, thoroughly clean your instrument to remove any dirt, oils, or grime. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the right products for your particular instrument. Wipe it down with a clean cloth, using instrument-specific cleaning products. Avoid household cleaners or polishes that can cause deterioration. This is a good time to inspect your instrument for wear, loose parts, or any potential issues that may require professional attention.
Wipe down wooden instruments like guitars, violins, or woodwinds with a thin layer of instrument-grade oil or wax to prevent them from drying out. Regular instrument maintenance will restore your instrument, ensuring it hits the high notes when the time comes.
#4. Bye-Bye Humidity Woes: Controlling Moisture
Humidity control is the secret ingredient for preserving your musical instrument’s well-being. Think of it as creating a harmonious atmosphere where your instrument can thrive, free from the perils of excessive moisture. Keep an eye on humidity levels in your storage area, especially for instruments made of wood.
It’s not a bad idea to invest in a hygrometer to monitor humidity, aiming for a sweet spot between 40% and 50%. If your storage area is always humid, you can use a dehumidifier to get rid of extra moisture and keep your instrument dry. You can also put silica gel packs inside instrument cases to absorb any sneaky moisture. Remember to check and replace these regularly.
#5. Insurance Superheroes: Protecting Your Treasure
To protect your musical instrument, consider a music insurance subscription. Think of it as a safety net that shields your beloved instrument from unexpected mishaps.
Check into reputable insurance providers that specialize in musical instruments and compare policies to find comprehensive coverage against theft, loss, and accidents during transport or storage. Determine your instrument’s value accurately by keeping records and taking clear photos for documentation. With music insurance, you can focus on creating beautiful music without worrying about the whims of fate.
Annual Check-Up and Tuning
No matter where you store your instrument, occasionally check its condition to confirm it remains in good shape. It’s also a great time to give your instrument a tuning, as well as any necessary lubrication and polishing.
In a nutshell, following these simple rules and seeking advice from your local music professional on proper storage techniques will help your instrument maintain its beauty, sound, and integrity for years to come. Happy playing!