Moving house is full of numerous little tasks. Be it changing your addresses or switching over utility bills. One major task home-movers attempt to complete is to declutter before moving. It presents an excellent opportunity for a clean slate. There is no perfect time to declutter your house than when sorting items to pack them anyway.
Similar to anyone who has moved before, transitioning to a new home in itself is stressful, especially when you throw the decluttering mission into the mix. However, it offers a great opportunity to declutter and streamline your belongings.

From taking advantage of skip hire services to donating items that you no longer use, this article provides a range of pragmatic tips to help you effectively clear the clutter while preparing to move. With these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to make your moving experience less stressful and more organised, allowing for a fresh, clutter-free start in your new home. Let’s discover more!
Think of Skip Hire Services
Thinking green when clearing the clutter is a good idea. When moving, you’ll try to get rid of unwanted belongings and items in different ways. You may decide to take several trips to the dump or giveaway stores nearby, donate belongings to charity shops, sell them online, or throw them away.
When deciding how to get rid of things you don’t need or use when moving house, you need to think of environmentally-friendly options like using skip hire services, donating to charity shops and taking them to dump or giveaway stores.
When deciding how to dispose of belongings upon moving house, it may be a good idea to hire a skip bin. It is easier to find a reliable skip bin hire company near you. Once you hire the right company, they’ll provide you with several important services and tools, including transportation, the container, and disposal of the materials you no longer need.
Provide Yourself with Plenty of Time
When it comes to decluttering, there is nothing like starting too early. Decluttering in haste is more likely to end up in lots of declutter regrets, an experience no one wants. That is why it’s advisable to give yourself plenty of time.
With enough time, you’ll be able to make rational and well-informed decisions. You need to start at least three months before moving. It’s the case of the sooner, the better.
Declutter by Category, Not Room
When decluttering before moving, you should declutter by category instead of room. Collect all like belongings together in one place, irrespective of their rooms. After that, declutter them at once.
Your next home will likely not be the same in terms of rooms and space as your current one. That means you’ll probably change a few things, how and where you keep some of your items. The main advantage of decluttering by item category, instead of room, prior to moving is that you’ll see the amount of each belonging type you have. You’ll decide what feels “enough” of each item type in total, instead of deciding what feels “enough” for a given room.
These are expert-proven tips you can utilise in your decluttering process. They are sure to make your decluttering process a little easier. If you’re feeling already overwhelmed before you start the decluttering process, you can look for professional help, including skip hire services.