
Tips to Make Your Surrey Home More Spacious in 2023

Make Your Surrey Home More Spacious

Although you might adore Surrey and love living in a country that is situated in the heart of the country, you might also be longing for a little extra space in your home, especially if your family is currently growing. If this is the case, here are some of the best ways that you can make your home in Surrey more spacious in 2023.

Opt for a Loft Conversion

Rather than leave rooms in your home empty and unused, you should make sure that not even an inch of your home goes to waste. Many homeowners’ lofts are left in a state of disrepair, or are simply used to store items that they no longer need or want. Instead of ignoring the potential of this space, you should consider conducting a loft conversion that will allow you to get the most out of your loft. By performing a loft conversion, and turning your loft into a bedroom, office, or a nursery, you will find that your family has more space in your house to breathe and will make sure that you do not always feel as if you are living on top of each other when you are each doing different activities. To make sure that your loft conversion is a success, you should consider visiting Touchstone Lofts, which is a Surrey-based, specialist loft conversion business.

Create an Outdoor Living Space

You should also consider making your home in Surrey more spacious by creating an outdoor living space for you and your family. Doing this can encourage your family to use your garden more and can ensure that your outdoors space does not become a neglected wilderness that is only used in the heat of summer. You can do this by laying down patio or decking, and by investing in outdoor kitchen equipment, as well as outdoor seating, lighting, and heating. This will make sure that you can create a comfortable space that is not dependent on there being nice weather in your area, even though Surrey generally enjoys better weather than a lot of the UK.

De-Clutter Your Home

If you do not want to endure the hassle of a home remodelling project, though, you should spend a few days decluttering your home, and throwing away any item that you do not want or use anymore in a black bin bag. However, this does not mean that you have to throw any items that have sentimental value, and you should be wary of throwing away objects that you will miss or regret throwing away later. This will clear space on your shelves and storage, and give your home a greater sense of minimalism and tidiness.

Change the Layout

You should also consider changing the layout of your rooms, as this could open out your rooms and make them feel less cramped and crowded. For instance, you might consider leaving greater paths through your home, and ensuring that there is space between each item of furniture. You might also put your furniture at an angle or use corner furniture to ensure that there are no leftover nooks or crannies in your home.

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