
Valentine’s Day Hack: Vodka for fresher flowers

Brits are being told that a dash of vodka could be the secret to keeping their Valentine’s Day flowers fresher for longer. 

Garden boss and founder of Chris Bonnett has shared the best ways to keep cut flowers looking their best.

Chris shares that adding a spoonful of vodka to water in a vase can act as an antibacterial agent, killing off any bacteria on flower stems and promoting a healthy growth overall. 

He also encourages normal regular maintenance including changing the water, recutting stems and adding flower food.

Flowers should also be placed in a cool and shaded area with indirect sunlight and kept away from any heat sources or draughts.

Chris Bonnett said: “A lot of people disregard their flowers after Valentine’s Day, forgetting to care for them properly which is a shame because with the right attention, they can last much longer than just a couple of days.

“Once your flowers are in water don’t just leave them there for days. It’s important to cut the stems and change the water regularly as well as feeding them with flower food.

“A great hack to help extend the life of your beautiful flowers is to add a small dash of vodka to the water. 

how can i keep roses fresh

“It might sound surprising but the vodka will work as an antibacterial, removing any unwanted bacteria that could harm your flowers off of the stems.”

“Other factors such as the type of vase we keep them in and the temperature of the room and water also make a difference in the longevity of your beautiful blooms.”

Here are eight tips for looking after cut flowers from the team at

  1. Use a clean vase

Start with a clean vase to prevent the growth of bacteria. Wash the vase with soap and water before placing the flowers in it. The vase should be filled halfway up with lukewarm water, as cold water can shock the flowers. 

  1. Trim the stems

Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle using sharp scissors or secateurs. This allows the flower to soak up more water. Cut at least an inch off the stems, and do this under running water to prevent air bubbles from entering the stem.

  1. Change water regularly 

Refill the vase with fresh daily or every other day. This is important because bacteria thrive in stale water. When you change the water, consider adding some flower food as well. 

  1. Add a spoon of vodka to the water

Adding a small amount of vodka to your water will help to kill any unwanted bacteria lingering on the stems. It also slows down the production of ethylene which is the gas that causes flowers to wilt.

how can i keep roses fresh
  1. Feed the flowers

Many flowers come with a custom food packet which reduces bacteria growth. Make sure to add the sachet to the water. If you run out of food or don’t have any then you can also make your own by mixing together two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of bleach for every litre of water. 

  1. Remove leaves 

Remove any foliage from under the waterline in the vase. Foliage in the water can lead to bacteria building up in the vase. 

  1. Re-cut stems

Recut the ends of the stems every other day to maintain a fresh surface for water absorption. This also helps remove any blockages and protects from infections. 

  1. Pay attention to the environment

Cut flowers thrive in a cooler environment, so it’s best to keep them away from direct sunlight. You should also avoid placing the flowers near heat sources, fans or draughts. 

Seven tips to increase your home’s garden appeal

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