
What are the main features of women’s fashion handbags?

features of womens handbags

Shoulder bags, luggage, messenger bags, totes, pouches – the variety of options in the tote collection should make it difficult for women to choose, but is it really?

Often, you’ll see fashionable women entering the bag store and pulling out the “it” bag. What makes women prefer one bag design over another?


AULOVELY says some women would rather save a few months or a year to buy a bag from a particular brand. This is because they trust the quality of these brands, and while there may be fake bags that imitate the brand, you will find them fragile and prone to tears.

The quality of the bag lies in the craftsmanship of the hardware, lining and seams. Since a woman’s handbag is her shadow, it’s safe to say that quality trumps price. Some designs, while proven quality, are overpriced. We can’t debate how much you should pay for quality, but professional advice is to trust your gut.


Who doesn’t love a handbag that can meet all her needs? It has become mainstream to take you from casual to formal handbag designs by adding a few accessories or shoulder straps.

An example of a trending bag that every wardrobe must-have is the clutch. A clutch bag can instantly hype up your look with a simple shoulder strap and get you party-ready. You can remove the shoulder straps and carry the bag to dinner dates. In this example, the strap makes the bag a string bag, and removing it makes the bag a clutch.


Never assume that every bag will bring comfort. For a bag to be considered stylish, it should have stylish colours that blend well with most outfits. Certain skin tones are better for certain colours. Some colours like black, tan, and brown can be worn by people of all skin tones.

The design of the bag will also define the level of comfort it provides. Soft, lightweight bags are more suitable for most body types and are easy to carry over the shoulder. A handbag is not a backpack, so if it’s too heavy, it can negatively affect your shoulders.

Another thing that can make one bag more comfortable than another is the padding in the bag. The bag with bottom and side padding keeps your belongings in place and allows you to be more relaxed while walking.


There’s a joke circulating on social media that some women’s handbags are big enough to carry all their problems. Well, we know very little about it, but a stylish handbag should definitely have enough space for your phone, wallet, electronics, toiletries, makeup, and even food and some clothes if you must have those. A roomy bag should also have a thick, well-stitched inner lining that allows it to carry the weight. External storage or pockets for umbrellas or drinks are an added bonus.

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