Times are tough for Brits at the moment. Between the rising cost of household energy bills and price hikes for everything from groceries to beer, it goes without saying that the pound doesn’t quite stretch as far as it used to.
Millions of households are finding it hard to navigate the coming winter as it stands, even as the government makes small interventions to lighten the load for the hardest-hit.
But economic strife should not be the sole cause of a life without mirth! While a great many hobbies and weekend activities require a little cash to enjoy, there are a great many more that can be enjoyed for relatively little money – if any. As purse strings tighten across the land, what low-budget things can you do to make the most of your weekends?
A Weekend Break
Our two consecutive days off are frequently reserved for lying in, household chores and an evening whiled away at the local pub. But these days are begging to be used for something more – and there is a low-cost way to do so, too. Why not use your time to take a mini-holiday, and enjoy the best of Britain over a night or two away?
For the drivers amongst you, you could take the car to the far reaches of the country and explore a place you’ve never been before. Naturally, running a car in today’s economy is difficult for many, but with train prices on the rise, you might find it more economical to get temporary car insurance and drive somewhere.
Take it a step further, and you can reduce the cost burden of staying in your chosen place. Scotland is a beautiful country, and one which can be enjoyed all the more by making the most of its wild camping laws. Camp in a beautiful area of unspoiled countryside and spend no money in the process!

If your free time feels more like a burden than a relief, you might want to find somewhere you can give your energy. Volunteering is a fantastic way to fill time and make a difference, especially at a time when more people are struggling than ever. You could approach local charities and food banks to see if they need any help over the weekend. Alternatively, you could join a local conservationist club and have a hand in rewilding local land.
A Spot of Gardening
Speaking of the outdoors, why not re-indulge in a spot of gardening? Gardening is one of the UK’s most popular pastimes, and an excellent all-around way to improve your weekend. Gardening can be a great way to keep fit, requiring as it does a little exercise to undertake properly.
Gardening is a mindful exercise that can work wonders for your mental health, and the end result is a garden in which you can meaningfully relax on future weekends – a space all the more rewarding for the work you put in.
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