Showing: 81 - 90 of 94 RESULTS
travel insurance

The importance of travel insurance for lost or stolen passports 

Losing your passport while in another country can be a frustrating experience, as a group of British teenagers travelling in the US recently discovered.  Over 40 of the group’s passports were inexplicably shredded by the hotel where the group was staying, which delayed their return home by an additional four days.   Meghan Walch, Director of Product for InsureMyTrip says …

Health & Beauty

Sleep Syncing: What is it, how does it benefit my sleep and how can I do it?

Sleep syncing is a term that can have different meanings, but generally, it refers to aligning your sleep schedule with your natural circadian rhythms or with the sleep patterns of others. Your circadian rhythm, otherwise known as your sleep-wake cycle, is your internal body clock which follows a 24-hour cycle and is influenced by many …