How to take your morning routine to the next level, according to experts
- More than half of people (51%) are a ‘morning person, new research finds’
- Leadership and life coach Becky Hall shares how to make the most of early morning energy to create an enjoyable, sustainable wake up routine
While hitting the snooze button or dragging yourself out of bed is a relatable experience for most people, new research has found that early birds are far more common than expected.
A survey about sleep personalities by furniture retailer DFS has found that 51% of respondents could be categorised as a ‘morning person’. This is someone who enjoys waking up earlier than necessary to take time for themselves in the morning, for example by exercising or practising mindfulness.

In comparison, 42% were ‘Nine to Fivers’, preferring a traditional daily routine. While only 4.6% of participants were found to be ‘Afternooners’ – those who find it hard to wake up in the morning and get into their stride after 4 pm hits.
Interestingly, despite over half of us being early risers, DFS has spotted an increase in people still wanting to improve their morning habits. Searches for ‘early morning routine’ have increased by 33% over the last year, while ‘best morning routine for success’ is also up by 25% in the same period.
So, to help people harness their early morning starts, DFS has partnered with leadership and life coach, Becky Hall to share three tips for building the best morning routine for you:
- Establish what you want to achieve
The first thing to do when creating a morning routine is to choose something that you can do daily and stick to it.
Repetition is the cement, so whatever it is you choose to build into your routine, make it possible for you to do it every single day. For example, if you want to do press-ups – start with just one or two. Once you have established the habit, you can increase the reps.

- Make it so easy you can’t ignore it
Secondly, make it easy. If you want to go running or to the gym, put your kit out ready for your morning self.
If journaling is your thing, put your notebook by the kettle. Having made the effort to rise early, you want to make it as smooth as possible for you to use the time in the way you intended.
- Make it meaningful
A big part of creating a habit is linking it to your identity. We’re more likely to stick to things if we link them to who we are.
Why not start your day with some positive affirmations to help shift how you see the practices you are creating. For example, simply saying ‘I am excited for today’ or ‘I am grateful I have time for a run today’, will get you in the right mindset to accomplish the habits you are building and set you up for a positive day.

Becky Hall says:
“In today’s busy world, the idea of finding a few extra hours in the day is like finding the holy grail. No wonder TikTok is buzzing with people sharing stories of their routines, like the 5 to 9, so you can find extra time to help you ground your day, do your exercises, meditate, focus – whatever it is that ticks your boxes. It feels like a gift of extra time, and frankly, what’s not to like about feeling as if you’re winning at life by turning up at work having already done your workout?
“And it’s true that for those of us who are morning people who burst with energy at that time of the day, it is indeed a great idea. But not everyone is built that way. Each of us has a different rhythm, sometimes called our ‘diurnal’ pattern we all have slightly different times of the day when we are full of energy and times when we need to rest and digest.
“So, if you’re more of an ‘after darker’, don’t despair. The real key is to find some time in your daily or weekly routine for the activities that some people are doing before work. It doesn’t matter if you find it in the morning or evening, as long as you do it.”
To find out if you are a morning person or an after darker, complete the sleep personality quiz on the DFS website.