
Ways To Bounce Back From Common Sicknesses

Common Sicknesses

Sadly, getting ill is a common part of life. Luckily, most common illnesses that you encounter are easy to overcome with time. However, becoming sick can force you to take a break from life. 

Almost everyone has their own way to recover quickly so you can get back on your feet. As such, here are just some of the ways that you can bounce back from common sicknesses.

The Common Cold

A common cold can strike at least once a year for most people. With it normally comes a sore throat, blocked nose, and a cough. While these symptoms can be easy enough to shrug off on their own, a prolonged cold can leave you feely achy and fatigued. Therefore, a day in bed is probably the best. What’s more, you will want to avoid passing your cold on to other people.

However, there is another reason why bed rest is recommended for a cold. When you are relaxed, your immune system has a lot less to concentrate on so it can get to work on curing the infection that is causing your cold symptoms. It is also a good idea to drink a lot of fluids (not alcohol or caffeine) to avoid feeling dehydrated for at least twenty-four hours. Once your immune system is successful you can head out back to work in no time.

Stomach Bugs

A bacterial infection or virus does not only land in the chest. If it lands in your stomach, then you will have to endure a stomach bug. These bugs are usually accompanied by:

– Stomach pains

– Vomiting

– Diarrhoea

– Profuse sweating

– Headaches

Again, most people will treat a stomach bug with bed rest as it gives your immune system time to fight the infection. However, it is more important to stay hydrated when you have a stomach bug as it helps to replace the fluids you lose through vomit. You should also take paracetamol to treat any pain you may be experiencing. To speed up your recovery, you may want to avoid solid foods for a few hours. Doing so will allow your immune system to stop having to repair any damage sustained from vomiting so that it can concentrate on ejecting the bad bacteria or virus instead.

Broken Bones

Fortunately, some people will go through life without having to experience a broken bone. Still, it is something that can happen at any time. A fracture of your bone can be caused by a direct impact from something hard or a fall. There is no need to explain any further symptoms, as the pain alone will be enough to signal that something is wrong.

A doctor will try to keep the bone still by implanting a stint or wrapping it in a cast. You can also help it heal with plenty of rest. This means not using it at all and a broken leg will heal much quicker with the help of a crutch or electric-powered wheelchair. If you do everything correctly, then a broken bone can heal in about eight weeks.


Luckily, most common illnesses that you encounter are easy to overcome with time. However, becoming sick can force you to take a break from life. A headache is only common because there are so many potential causes. You may experience a headache because of:

– Stress

– A cold

– Drinking too much alcohol

– A lack of sleep

– Muscle cramps

While physical pain is a normal part of being human, it can be incredibly hard to concentrate or continue to function with a nagging headache. Painkillers may help but not quick enough for some people.

Some other ways to treat a headache include applying a hot or cold compress to the back of your neck. The sudden change in temperature should be enough to relax your tense muscles. If that doesn’t work, then you may be suffering from a migraine. In these situations, you will need to avoid bright lights, take pain medication, and try to rest if possible.  


A sprain is more common depending on how active you are. These maladies are caused when you overstretch a ligament that supports a key part of your body like an ankle or wrist. The result is a nagging pain whenever you use the muscles in or around the sprained area.

Of course, your doctor will recommend that you rest the affected part of your body; however, there are some additional actions you can take to speed up the healing of a sprain. A cold compress can remove some of the swellings around your joints and keeping your foot elevated will reduce the pain of a sprained ankle. Try to keep the sprain in line with your heart so that it is easier for blood to enter this part of the body. A sprain should be fully healed in around four weeks with the pain gently decreasing throughout this time.


No one wants to have to deal with any of the issues above. It’s important to consult a doctor and seek medical help for more relevant assistance, however.

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