In the pursuit to turn back the clock, lotions and potions promising eternal youth have become a firm part of our daily routines, with the anti-ageing market set to become a billion-pound industry by 2028[i]. Yet, whilst we typically attribute ageing to how we look on the outside, it is predominantly influenced by our internal physical and mental capabilities, such as our ability to walk, see, think and remember. In fact, the real anti-ageing secret is to stay youthful from the inside out, prioritising internal health and wellbeing to help prevent physical decline and live a longer and happier life.
Whilst it’s often taken for granted, a fundamental part of ageing well is maintaining the ability to move efficiently. Not only will this ensure that we can continue to live independently, but also improve our overall health and wellbeing by keeping us active and mobile.
Healthy joints are essential for efficient movement, but as we age, the amount of lubricating fluid inside joints naturally decreases meaning that joint movement becomes stiffer and less flexible, and cartilage becomes thinner. As a result, age is one of the most common risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis.

Research shows that for people with musculoskeletal conditions, engaging in appropriate physical activity reduces pain, improves quality of life, and strengthens the muscles and joints,[ii] and whilst exercise can positively contribute to the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions, regular physical activity at every stage of life can reduce the risk of developing issues in the first place.[iii]
Optimal ageing expert and founder of the evidence-based and nationally recognised fitness initiative, Move It or Lose it, Julie Robinson comments:
“Research has consistently shown the great benefit of keeping active in your later years, with one study concluding that physical activity is a key contributor to longevity[iv]. Getting moving can help not only manage pain, but also improve strength and mobility. In fact, in my experience, many people find that regular activity helps to stem the inevitable effects of ageing as well as improve all-round health and wellbeing.”
Try Julie’s top tips on how to future-proof your joints for years to come.
- Tailor your regime: “You should consider tailoring your exercise regime to accommodate for natural changes in joint health. Low-impact exercises are kinder on joints so try to incorporate activities such as swimming or cycling into your routine. Walking is also an excellent way to help maintain good joint function.”
- Target your work outs: “Alongside low-impact activities, I’d recommend adding in gentle strength training to help build up lost strength from an age-related decrease in muscle mass. Weights can sometimes feel intimidating but start off small and go at your own pace as they’re a great way to increase strength and mobility in the muscles that protect and support our joints.”
- Try a supplement: “Whilst we know that lifestyle plays a key role in safeguarding the future of our joint health, there are additional ways to support healthy joint function long-term. Adding a supplement to your daily routine, such as GOPO®, can help support joint health from the inside out.”
GOPO® Joint Health is the only available product containing high levels of GOPO®, the active compound isolated from the rose-hip Rosa canina, proven in numerous studies to reduce joint pain and stiffness and improve joint mobility and flexibility.[v],[vi],[vii] In one study, 71% of participants showed an improvement in knee flexibility following 3 months of GOPO® supplementation.[viii] Furthermore, women of a menopausal age reported a 50% improvement to their mobility and a reduction in pain, following 3 months daily consumption of the galactolipid, GOPO®.[ix]
GOPO® Joint Health is available from Boots, Amazon, Tesco and independent chemists nationwide. Visit for further information.
Fashion, beauty and lifestyle influencer, Linda Holman @lindasstyletips began prioritising joint health and now feels younger and fitter than ever.
“Following a knee replacement in 2019 I often experienced pain in my left leg which was particularly noticeable at night. In turn, my overall posture and flexibility were also affected. I was keen to get back to my pre-surgery self by implementing positive lifestyle changes, so I tailored my fitness regime to support the rehabilitation of my knee by attending regular strength training and Pilates classes together with eating a balanced diet.
To support this, I was keen to take a supplement which would help maintain my joint health from the inside out which is why I decided to try natural rose-hip supplement, GOPO Joint Health.
Daily supplementation of GOPO was easy and convenient and really complimented my exercise regime. I was really pleased with how quickly I noticed a difference and saw an improvement in my flexibility in just one month! After 3 months use, the leg pains I was experiencing are now completely gone and I am confident that GOPO has made a large contribution to this.
I’ll certainly be recommending GOPO to friends and family but will always advocate that supplements should be used in conjunction with a holistic approach to healthy living, concentrating on both diet and exercise to support ageing well.”