While a good diet should in theory be able to protect us from nutrient shortfalls, very few of us are eating a good diet. Only 28% of Britons eat five portions of fruit and veg a day. People are not following government-backed healthy eating guidelines
Bring Forest Bathing into your Home
The HVN’s products integrate AeroBiomeTM, a pioneering, proprietary fragrance diffusion technology grounded in science, which releases active compounds emitted from plants, known to contribute to enhanced mental clarity, as well as helping to build resilience and control stress. AeroBiomeTM releases the beneficial organic compounds from nature into your home
A Decadent Boutique Stay In York
Through a frosted glass door you’ll find a cosy snug with plush deep green velvet chairs and a built-in burnt orange leather settee which perfectly set the scene for stylish comfort. The room’s decor is completely captivating with a vintage fireplace, bright walls and rustic Mahogony wood-panelled features and tables.